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About Woodside Tours & Travels

At Woodside Tours and Travel we are always dedicated to make your travel experience simple and fun. We really appreciate and welcome any suggestions you might have for us, thus feel free to contact us anytime. Bringing you a modern, comfortable, and connected travel experience is one of our highest priorities and that’s why we continuously try to improve your experience when you book anything with us.

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Our Services

Ticketing & Hotel Booking

We provide you with options of the most direct, convinient routing whenever feasible that result in the least experience.

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Car Hire

We have a comprehensive collection of modern vehicles to ensure you get the comfort you deserve during your safari.

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Tour Packages & Safaris

Wood Side Tours is a specialist safari operator offering high quality travel to most captivating destinations. Our Safaris are designed to match each client's travel dreams.

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Conferences & Exhibitions

Wood Side Tours is a major player in provisions of facilities and equipments to make sure that you hold your conferences and make your exhibitions audible and a great success.

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Passport & Visa Processing

We have a dedicated team experienced in their day-to-day operations to ensure you get articulated advice relating to visa and immigrations.

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Invitation Letters

We handle, manage and process invitation letters for our clients with confidentiality aand integrity.

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We Are WoodSide Tours & Travel Agency

We are always dedicated to mke your travel experience simple and fun.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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We have various tour and safari packages customized to your needs. There are private and shared tours. We keep the private tours group sizes low so you have the freedom to move around and get involved with your sorroundings as well as more personal attention from our local guides. For the shared trips the intimate size is upto 15 travellers on a trip but the average is 10. Check individual trip pages for maximum groupsizes.

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We always recommend packing as light as possible. Howevwer the specific requirements of your tour will varywidely depending on where and when you are travelling.

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To travel independently you must be atleast 18 years of age. There are no upper age limits for most of our tours. Our standard family adventures are open to children aged between 6 and 17 years of age accompanied by a paprent

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Starting and ending hotels will be listed on your travel voucher and in the trip details document.If your family requires contact information,or incase of emergency , please have them phone +254-701-667-735.

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It is extremely difficult to join a tour after it has begun. It is possible to leave a tour early however you willbe responsible for your own arrangements from the moment you decide to leave the tour.

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In most cases we use our own cars. However if they are all booked we use public transportation. Trip specific info on transportation can be found on the trip summary page.

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Sed perspiciatis unde omnisiste natus error voluptatem remopa accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam. Nam sed aliquet tortor. Sed id malesuada ante. Quisque et sagittis nulla. In ut congue lacus, in malesuada nulla. Proin luctus, erat sed pulvinar bibendum, nisi erat dignissim ante, in imperdiet purus dolor sit amet lectus. Nullam luctus euismod purus, nec consequat tellus luctus pharetra. Morbi ut purus tempor, pellentesque felis eu; mollis nisl. Morbi tincidunt ante ipsum, bibendum pulvinar eros luctus sed. Donec non tincidunt quam. Donec nisl eros, sollicitudin a condimentum eget, iaculis non metus. Curabitur rhoncus elit eu rhoncus molestie. Praesent vitae felis et justo malesuada auctor! Aliquam hendrerit ut sem nec euismod. Curabitur vel interdum dui? Nulla tempor interdum suscipit. Nulla tortor orci, iaculis vel enim id, bibendum rutrum orci.

Nunc sagittis dolor et nibh laoreet consequat. Integer pharetra id magna sed laoreet. Pellentesque nec venenatis odio. Praesent aliquet tellus ut nibh semper, at posuere mauris iaculis. Donec mauris arcu; egestas ac neque eu, viverra molestie quam. Morbi eget augue sem. Proin nec pharetra quam. Ut consectetur velit a tincidunt suscipit. Sed eget iaculis mi. Ut fermentum odio urna, eu sagittis augue rhoncus vehicula! In ut nullam sodales.

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Nunc sagittis dolor et nibh laoreet consequat. Integer pharetra id magna sed laoreet. Pellentesque nec venenatis odio. Praesent aliquet tellus ut nibh semper, at posuere mauris iaculis. Donec mauris arcu; egestas ac neque eu, viverra molestie quam. Morbi eget augue sem. Proin nec pharetra quam. Ut consectetur velit a tincidunt suscipit. Sed eget iaculis mi. Ut fermentum odio urna, eu sagittis augue rhoncus vehicula! In ut nullam sodales.

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Nunc sagittis dolor et nibh laoreet consequat. Integer pharetra id magna sed laoreet. Pellentesque nec venenatis odio. Praesent aliquet tellus ut nibh semper, at posuere mauris iaculis. Donec mauris arcu; egestas ac neque eu, viverra molestie quam. Morbi eget augue sem. Proin nec pharetra quam. Ut consectetur velit a tincidunt suscipit. Sed eget iaculis mi. Ut fermentum odio urna, eu sagittis augue rhoncus vehicula! In ut nullam sodales.

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Nunc sagittis dolor et nibh laoreet consequat. Integer pharetra id magna sed laoreet. Pellentesque nec venenatis odio. Praesent aliquet tellus ut nibh semper, at posuere mauris iaculis. Donec mauris arcu; egestas ac neque eu, viverra molestie quam. Morbi eget augue sem. Proin nec pharetra quam. Ut consectetur velit a tincidunt suscipit. Sed eget iaculis mi. Ut fermentum odio urna, eu sagittis augue rhoncus vehicula! In ut nullam sodales.

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Nunc sagittis dolor et nibh laoreet consequat. Integer pharetra id magna sed laoreet. Pellentesque nec venenatis odio. Praesent aliquet tellus ut nibh semper, at posuere mauris iaculis. Donec mauris arcu; egestas ac neque eu, viverra molestie quam. Morbi eget augue sem. Proin nec pharetra quam. Ut consectetur velit a tincidunt suscipit. Sed eget iaculis mi. Ut fermentum odio urna, eu sagittis augue rhoncus vehicula! In ut nullam sodales.

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